Tools to Empower Your Career
Career Champions Australia - Supporting neurodiverse women to rebuild their careers
for personal and professional success.
Career Resources
Stuck in your career?
Between jobs and don’t know what to do?
Don't just add your last job to your resume before sending it out for every job advertised.
Like it or not – your old style resume just won't cut it anymore.
Below are resources to plan your next career move.
Keep checking back for new resources to get the career you deserve.
Coaching - Your Passion
Within you are the power and the resources to live the fulfilling life you choose.
You were born with a unique mix of strengths and abilities. [Yep, so many of the things people thought were weird about you can be the strength you need to get ahead.]
Know yours and make a positive impact on your world, your community and your life.
Find your ideal career so you can enjoy every day.
- See your unique gifts and talents in a whole new way
- Clarify your career choices
- Boost your confidence and self-belief
- Explore techniques to create a stronger you
- Rediscover what matters to you
Significant change requires significant commitment. Discover your passion and discover your new life.
Strategy Call
Personalized coaching that begins with a complimentary initial consultation to determine fit, goals, and needs.
Casual Coaching
Single sessions to tweak your career
New You Career Coaching
Career Focus Coaching
Resume Reinvention Guide
Does it feel like no-one is reading your applications?
Don't know where to start?
Do you know you're worth more than you're paid now?
Your resume needs to work for you.
Be authentic, relevant and engaging.
Download our free Resume Reinvention Guide to get you the career you were born to have.
Download Resume Reinvention Guide
All The Tools You Need
All The Tools You Need
Upcoming Courses
We are currently developing self paced online courses including videos, workbooks and guides. They will include:
From Passionless to Purposeful - a complete career reinvention.
Your Career as a Business. Treating your career mike a successful business.