
Rules For A Successful Career

women in careers
Women Fun Career

No one owes you anything. Get out of your emotional rut and live.

Get creative. Instead of putting up with breadcrumbs, create your own future. Take control of your direction, your career, your dreams.

The world is changing fast. The job you have today was probably not in existence 50 years ago. Stop whining about change. Learn. Utilise. Grow. Take advantage of the increasing possibilities.

There is no ultimate safety net but you, so don't pin all your hopes on the one career, qualification, or person. Choose wisely but also expect to make more choices in the future.

Your life is an adventure. Treat it as such. Treat your career as such. Try new things. Create a new future. Create a life that makes the most of who you are and who you have the potential to become. Have fun.

Learn. There is nothing more stifling than thinking you know all there is to know.


People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are they who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them.

George Bernard Shaw


Believe in yourself. Cherish your values. They are the cornerstone to a successful career. Be guided by your values and potential, not just skills and experience. You will have a clearer journey.

Your skills develop as your strengths do. Work on them as you choose. Don't let others tell you what you have to learn and when. Design your future.

Refuse to be defined by your job title. You are so much more than that. Your career is an important part of your journey but it isn't the whole journey.

Live on the outer edge of your possibilities not the inner edge of your insecurities.

Look after yourself: your health - physical and mental - your finances, attitudes and surroundings. Is what you are doing now the best for you?

Accept that you don't have to be perfect just perfectly who you want to be. Achieve mastery of self. No-one knows you better so  you make the rules.


If it doesn't stop everyone, it's an excuse not a roadblock.

Seth Godin, The Practice



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