
Pursuing Passions is Like Chasing Wild Animals

career change

True, I haven't chased many wild animals but I learned a lesson very quickly - The more you chase it, and the faster you chase, the further away it gets. 

I learned many years ago that if I wanted to get close to a wild animal then I needed to be patient. I learned that they are all different and the best way to get close was to understand them and move slowly. Sometimes they ran off, especially when one of my children came barrelling along, excited to see and touch it. A memory of a wallaby at our campsite comes to mind.

Other times they would let me get closer. [No children around.] I continued the process until I succeeded, or realised that it wasn't quite as important as I thought to touch or stroke. Watching was more than enough.

The same can be said about your passions. The more you chase them the more elusive they become. Sometimes passions are best watched and approached slowly.

I'm looking at this from a career perspective. In the career and business world there's a lot of talk about living your passions. I think choosing a passion focus is very important, but are you pursuing your passion or a fancy? What you are passionate about today may be a passing fad or something you do to relax but when you balance it with having financial security and doing it every day, the gloss can go out of it. Your passion may become something you dread.

You chased too close too fast.


Understand your passions.

  • Why are they your passions?
  • What is it about them that catches your attention?
  • Are they really what you want to do?
  • Are you passionate about it because it builds on what you are good at?
  • Is it easy or difficult - and that's what attracted you to it?
  • Did you become passionate about it because of who you were with or wanted to be with or be like?

Doing something because it's fashionable or because you feel you should do it to fit in or succeed is dangerous; and the excitement quickly fades.

Be patient. Allow yourself to understand not only your passions but to completely understand you.

Deeply understand your values, your strengths, your personality, rather than chasing the elusive or exciting, and one day it will allow you close and give you perfect joy.

Allow your passions to guide with a gentle and questioning spirit, observing what is best about you, to live your life to the fullest.



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