
Congratulation, You're Unemployed!

achievements career change unemployed

What an excellent opportunity!

You have decided, or the world has decided for you, that you need to look for employment somewhere else. This is a time when you can regroup and really work out what you want to do, rather than follow a path you've always followed. This is an opportunity for you to rebrand yourself so you get the job you want and are most suited for.

When we start our job search we are told we must write a resume of where we've worked and what our duties were, and end it there. This is traditionally known as the chronological resume.

You are so much more than that, yet you expect this sort of resume will tell an employer you are a diamond in the rough who he must meet. It won't work. Yes you may get an interview or even get you the job but is it the job you want? Is this the best employer for you?

As unemployment increases, as more people apply for more jobs, this works less effectively. You need to stand out from the crowd. I am not talking pink paper, perfume and a perfect picture but to give the reader an insight into you working in their company - and liking the idea.

Before you start writing your resume seriously consider who you really are. 


Know Your Strengths and Skills

What do you know you do well?

What have others said you do well?

What do you enjoy doing?

What about you are the attributes that mean you do that job well?

Is it your attention to detail; your ability to diffuse uncomfortable situations; your unblemished driving record; the way you transform client needs into a effective advertising campaign?

Just starting out? You have lived already. You have used your strengths in what you do. What skills have you used in sport, at school, raising children, online, being in the community?

I knew a woman who said she didn't have any skills but loved ironing. I couldn't think of a worse way to spend my time but she loved it. She said it was relaxing and gave her time to unwind and also to organise her day… and she was a brilliant organiser. From this we worked out her other skills and strengths.

Whatever it is, write it down, then dissect it.


Write Down Your Achievements

Write down your achievements to clarify your potential.

What did you feel excited or proud of achieving?

It doesn't necessarily have to be "increased profitability of the department to increase sales to $4.3 million per annum" but could be more along the lines of "I make people smile."

You're not writing your resume yet, just getting together information you could use down on paper and playing with how you could phrase it.


Know What You Want

Know what you want...not what career path others say you should follow, but really imagine yourself in your preferred role.

If you're not sure, investigate. There are countless career questionnaires online. With tens of thousands of job types out there and only about 2000 suggested careers to these tests, the reality is that your future job may not be on any list. It may encourage you to consider more possibilities.

Have you thought "I could do that." but then been crowded by all the reasons why you shouldn't?

These are the qualities, skills, strengths, attributes that are most likely to shine on your way to your dream job or career.

It's time to reset your career. With imagination and thoughtful work you can re-engineer your future so think about what you can change and what your possibilities are.


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