Climb Out of Your Career Slump

Working out your career direction can be a minefield. Some people seem to easily go from success to success while you stay in the same place year in year out. You both attend the same courses and have positive feedback from your employers and customers alike but you don't seem to be getting anywhere.
Now that's okay if that is where you want to be but if you want to do something more; get more satisfaction from each day then there is a way to do it. And there are just 3 simple steps.
We often use these steps but we don't use them all, or as thoroughly as we could. Perhaps it is impatience or fear or perhaps you just never knew how. It may not be clear until we get to the end.
I have been caught over the years being all things to all people, following everyone's advice and getting nowhere. It's like I’m taking two steps forward and one step back each time - advancing but not quite getting there.
Time to get started on working your way out. Write this all down because it is more real to you when you do that.
Assess your career to this point. List your skills, strengths and values.
This is more than what you put in a resume.
It is more than experience and skills learned, it is about understanding who you are and what you want to offer the world. Start with your resume if you like but it is only a starting point.
What fascinates you?
What are you are good at that may or may not be on your resume?
It is a combinations of skills, knowledge, environment, and inclination that are your strengths. If you are an excellent administrator but it drains you, always pursuing administration roles will be detrimental to your health. In the wrong environment even something you’re good at can harm you. It becomes a weakness. However if researching and writing do excite you - they are your strengths.
What is important to you, your values? This is one area we miss when it comes to looking for our perfect career. Knowing what is important to you and involving it in your choices will take your possibilities to another level or stop you taking the wrong jobs. Values are different for everybody. There are no 'shoulds' in this area.
Perhaps, you are energised by the outdoors and work in a windowless office; or you thrive on connection but work alone. Being in an environment that is opposed to your values will zap your energy. Be aware. Do you love where you live or do you want to go where it is hotter, colder, busier, artier….?
Continue writing things down until you can think of no more.
Ask yourself, and answer, helpful questions.
Based on all this information what do you think you could possibly do?
This is your opportunity to brainstorm. You may be tempted to look at all the information you just uncovered about yourself and answer this question with "I will be a ………". Avoid doing that.
Think possibilities, no matter how left field they may seem. You may have a short list or you may want to research some further.
If you come up with a role you have done in the past but it doesn't inspire you, think what about it do you enjoy and what other related role could you possibly do?
Why do you want to do this?
Now you have a short list ask why you want to do this. Write each at the top of a page and answer the other questions that follow. This will be easy based on all the work you did earlier. Knowing why we do anything is what motivates us when we have down days. If you don't have a reason why, ask yourself why you might want to do a role, then ask why to that answer, then why to the next answer. You will get to your true reason WHY. It will be motivating.
Who could possibly help you to get there?
You can be specific or general - Mr Jones at AAA Autos, or specialist recruiter in your field. Or it may be to learn more from a course or the internet or there may be someone you know or don't yet know. .
What are possible action steps?
Think of possible action steps for each. Add a potential and realistic timeline.
Take Action.
Decide on a direction. Look over each possibility. Some may be similar and so a lot of the possible action steps will be duplicable, while others vastly different. Decide on the direction you are going to go, decide your action steps.
Without commitment and action this process is clarifying but won’t land you the job of your dreams or get out of that rut.
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